24 February 2011

Water Tower Bucket Boys with Noriana Kennedy in Galway, 10 Mar. 2011

Why do people send in news not by e-mailing the editor, but in the form of a comment on an existing post, which few people are likely to see? You don't avoid the editor's eye, or save the editor trouble, by doing so: as indicated in the BIB headnote, all comments have to be checked by us before publication.

The latest info received via this channel is a press release about one of the shows in the imminent tour by the Water Tower Bucket Boys (USA; see photo). The venue is the Backstage Bar at Monroe's Tavern, Dominic St., Galway city; the date (though the press release failed to mention it) is 10 March. A Facebook page is cited for further details; you will need to be on Facebook already to log in and view it.

The WTBB, as many will already know, are a fine band who will be supported on the night by Noriana Kennedy of Mad Uncle Harry. Their Irish tour (details of which are on the BIB posts of 3, 4, and 22 Feb., and the BIB calendar) rounds off a tour of these islands that begins tonight in Bristol.

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