15 February 2011

Once again down Memory Lane

We reproduce here a copy of the poster used by the Sackville String Band in its 1977 configuration; from the print at the bottom of the image, you can see that at the time the band was still playing weekly at the Stag's Head in Dame Court, Dublin. The picture of the band shows in front Imor Byrne (fiddle) and Colin Beggan (guitar); at back, John Caulfield (fiddle), Niall Toner (mandolin), Richard Hawkins (banjo).

Thanks to Niall Toner for this copy; we hope to make the fine original photo available soon.

Update 24 Feb.: the outstanding traditional Kentucky fiddler J.P. Fraley died a week ago (17 Feb.) at the age of 87. Thanks to FOAOTMAD for this link to an obituary by Tim Preston in the Independent (Ashland, KY). A feature by Richard Thompson on the Bluegrass Blog includes a video clip of J.P. Fraley playing 'Wild rose of the mountain' - which the Sackville String Band learned from his 1974 LP with the same title, and played as one of their favourite instrumentals.

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At 9:14 am, Blogger Aran said...

Great photo....

At 2:47 pm, Blogger Anna Climber said...

Thanks for the look into the past.
Brian McNeal
Prescription Bluegrass
Front Page Bluegrass News


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