22 February 2011

Looking for picking partners?

This message was originally sent in as a comment on the BIB's 'welcome' post, but it deserves more prominence than that. Barney Bowes of Dublin sends this welcome news for pickers looking for a session:

Hi - if you're at home and wondering if you can hook up with people who play bluegrass and/or oldtime music,

- if you sing, and need someone to harmonise with, if you play fiddle, banjo (5-string, that is), mandolin, guitar, dobro, bass,

- then you're at home! Call 086 1031541. We hope to get a session going soon. Don't be a spectator - it's time to get playing, there's a place for you too.

The photo above from Barney's blog shows him and bandmate Paul McEvoy (in vehicle) with legendary fiddler Byron Berline.



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