06 February 2011

Curtis Eller in Ireland, 3-6 May 2011

Thanks to Adele Ingram-Magee of One-A-Chord Music Promotions for forwarding this press release:

Curtis Eller is New York City's angriest yodelling banjo player. He sings about pigeon racing, performing elephants, and Jesus, all of which he has seen with his own eyes. He started his show-business career at the age of seven as a juggler and acrobat in the Hiller Olde Tyme Circus in Detroit, but has since turned to the banjo because that's where the money is. His biggest musical influences are Buster Keaton, Elvis Presley, and Abraham Lincoln.

Mr Eller and his band, the American Circus, stubbornly perform and record in New York City. They have appeared at funerals, horse races, burlesque revues, and punk rock dumps. Haunted by the ghosts of silent film and wearing a dead man's clothes, Mr Eller and the band have staggered their way into the hearts of audiences from London and Amsterdam to Los Angeles and Montreal. 2008 promises to see them touring extensively on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.

Along the way, they have shared the stage with strippers, contortionists, glass eaters, and folksingers. They play more waltzes than any other band I know of, but nobody ever seems to feel like dancing.

On the latest American Circus CD Wirewalkers & assassins, Mr Eller presents songs about John Wilkes Booth, Joe Louis, Fidel Castro, Jack Ruby, and Richard Nixon (as well as the usual tales of civil war generals and Elvis Presley). As always, sporadic yodeling and some strong language should be expected.

Mr Eller's tune 'Alaska' was voted 2003's Most Popular on NPR's 'All songs considered'. The music has the unmistakable sound of a pistol being fired in an abandoned salt mine: lonesome and violent.

Performances by Curtis Eller can be seen on YouTube here and here. He is also on MySpace. For bookings in Ireland contact:

Adele Ingram-Magee
One-A-Chord Music Promotions
Tel. +44 783 4811671

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