08 September 2010

Southern Welfare: new bookings

Ray O'Brien of Waterford's Southern Welfare reports:

Southern Welfare have been confirmed to play at this year's Bruff Bluegrass Festival (1-3 October), venues and times TBC. We will be releasing our debut CD over the next few weeks.

Also a big thank you to Richard Hurst and his team in Omagh for letting us play some of the open mic sessions in the Park last weekend during the Omagh Bluegrass Festival; it was very enjoyable and we hope to see them all again next year.

For more info on our gigs you can e-mail, log on to our website, or call Ray (+353 (85)2877692).

BIB editor's note: By the way, if you use this link to the Omagh festival and find a complete lack of information on either this year's or next year's event, this is not the fault of Richard Hurst or anyone at the Ulster American Folk Park: blame some desk-jockey at National Museums Northern Ireland who thinks this is 'efficiency'. The best online source for events at the Park is now its Facebook page.

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