05 July 2010

The OBS - a long-awaited version

In May and October last year the BIB carried news of videos released by the Bluegrass Babies; and the October post announced that 'Orange Blossom Special' was in preparation by the same team. Thanks to Caroline Roberts for the news that the long-awaited 'OBS' is now out and on YouTube. Was it worth the wait?

Well, we have to say that the absence of Wild Woolly Bunton from this performance is regrettable on both an artistic and a personal level. Bunton had conclusively raised the bar for banjo-picking by pink rabbits, and he could have added drive and bite to the ensemble sound. Instead, he appears only for a few seconds - in a car in the background, glumly dropping off Hottie MacScottie to play left-handed second fiddle. In the light of previous news, it seems clear that Woolly withdrew because of a decision to use two drummers. The rhythm is over-heavy as a result.

On the plus side: Flo's capable double-shuffle on lead fiddle, the presence of two dance teams, and - above all - the singing of all three verses. 'OBS' has good words, and they should be heard more often. So, on balance a qualified approval. But whatever it takes, Woolly Bunton must be rehired!



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