29 July 2010

End of the road for Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry

Thanks to Colin Henry (left) for his chronicle, of which this is the final instalment. Colin's previous reports can be seen on the BIB at 12, 19, and 26 July.

The Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry Irish tour 2010 came to a rousing end at the Shed, Killyleagh, on Monday night. We played a set and the Tennessee Hennessees played a set and then we all joined together at the end for 'Sitting on top of the world' and 'Will the circle be unbroken'. It was a good crowd and was a happy finale to what has been a good tour. The smiles on our faces (see pictures) say it all.

Gary has returned to Gettysburg, and Janet and I are heading to the North Coast and the beach (weather permitting!). We are already looking to next year and returning to some great venues. We have had a good time this year and I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all those people from Cork to the Causeway Coast and all points in between who have promoted our gigs. In these economic times it is not easy to take the risk, and those that do should be applauded and, more importantly, supported in what they do.

Mel Corry of the Tennessee Hennessees

Thanks also to Richard our editor for allowing me to post on our travels. Above all, thanks to Janet and Gary for some great times and great music.

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