22 March 2010

Southern Welfare - Waterford

L-r: Tony Wall, Finbar Healy, Ray O'Brien, Gerry Wall

Thanks to Ray O'Brien of Southern Welfare, who reports:

A big 'thank you' to everybody who has come to support us every Tuesday night in McLoughlin's Bar, O'Connell Street, Waterford. The band have been getting rave reviews over the past few month in the local newspapers (nice to see the practice is all paying off) and hopefuly we will continue along this path.

We have extended the set list to include some of our own songs as well as all the favourites from Bill Monroe, Stanley Brothers, Alison Krauss, to name a few. A big 'thank you' to the management and staff of McLoughlin's for putting up with us every week. We have some plugged-in gigs coming up over the next few months which we will keep you informed of.

So bluegrass is on the up in Waterford - so if you're looking for somewhere to go midweek, why not come along to McLoughlin's Bar, Waterford, where you'll be made to feel at home in a lovely old pub, with some nice music to enjoy with your pint!

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At 8:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tell ye 1 ting, he's some banjo player!


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