13 November 2009

BBC interviews with Steve Martin: UPDATE

Thanks again to Sharon Loughrin, who reports:

If you're a fan check out this link for a short interview with Steve Martin on BBC, and also a further link from there to a few minutes of radio interview, where he briefly discusses the history of bluegrass music and how he got involved. Hope you enjoy! Credit for this info goes to the forum on the UKBluegrass blog; one of their contributors has got it on the chat page.

BBC2 TV is showing Steve Martin with the Steep Canyon Rangers again tonight, and you can read about the collaboration as seen from the SCR's viewpoint in the current issue of Bluegrass Unlimited.

Update 14 Nov.: Video footage from the 13 Nov. showing is online here; thanks to the BBMA's November e-newsletter for the information. A Daily Telegraph report on the Festival Hall concert can be seen here.

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