17 July 2009

Old-time news

Thanks to FOAOTMAD for the news that a 57-minute concert by the outstanding clawhammer-banjo player Adam Hurt can be seen online. He was playing on 9 July at the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage, New York, supported by Beth Hartness, Cathy Fink, and Marcy Marxer. Broadband and RealPlayer are needed to watch the video. On the right-hand side of the Kennedy Center home page is an 'Archive' panel with a search facility. Enter 'Adam Hurt' in the slot to find the video. The visual quality is excellent, and the music (of course) is profoundly beneficial.

This news was sent out by FOAOTMAD a few weeks ago, but it's none the worse for that: the Field Recorder Collective is offering 13 'powerful and far-reaching' new CDs for 2009. Musicians represented include the great Tommy Jarrell, the Shelor-Blackard Family, Dock Boggs, Ola Belle Reed, Albert Hash, and (the new generation of old-time) the Nee Ningy Band. The CDs are $15 each, but the entire 13-CD 2009 series is available for only $136.50 plus shipping. Pay online using PayPal. Full details are here.

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