25 March 2009

News from the North

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for the following news, and especially about the Ragin' Cajun party for charity which she and Arnie organised:

February 21st we took a minibus load to Belfast for a great night with the Tennessee Hennessees (also happened to be a BIG birthday for me...). Last Friday night [20 March] we saw the Isaacs in Ballymena, a wonderful performance by this top gospel band, even though the sound quality in the venue left a lot to be desired. They played some great bluegrass mixed with a bit more slower gospel numbers and finished with the fastest rendition of 'Orange Blossom Special' I've heard yet; the vocals and musicanship were first class.

I also followed a link across from a BIB post to the Thunderbridge Bluegrass Boys from Somerset, and heard enough to tempt me to order their CD, The moon shines still, and their Four on the floor DVD. Have you heard these fellas play? We were well impressed - good banjo pickin', a bit of traditional hillbilly bluegrass along with lots of original material and loads of fun involved in the making - you can't help smiling the whole way through the DVD (and we all need a few smiles at the minute).

Our latest bluegrass enterprise was our own Ragin' Cajun night on Saturday past: we had about 20 of my workmates round, cooked them cajun chicken and jambalaya, played bluegrass music all night (they couldn't escape; they were too full up with the cajun grub, you see!) and then we charged them for the privilege! We raised over £300 for our local cancer charity, which was the main reason for the night, and hopefully converted a few to bluegrass in the process.

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