16 March 2009

A new family member

Thanks to Joe Murray, who signs himself as 'A new bluegrass devotee' since the show at The Stables, Mullingar, on 26 February, with Carmel Sheerin & the Ravens and Bending the Strings. Joe writes:

I am a keen music fan with a wide taste in music,anything from the Stranglers to Celine Dione, but last week introduced me to a new kind of music completely and I must say I am hooked!

The show was advertised as a 'Bluegrass Night', and Joe decided to go along out of curiosity. He knew of the Sheerin family already and found that Carmel & Co., as expected, were great; and

the first band on stage, Bending the Strings, really blew me away! The playing of their instruments and the vocals were fantastic. Never knew that a banjo, a guitar, and a piano could sound so well together. They didn't say too much, just got on with the music, and boy could the banjo player make that instrument talk! How can fingers go so fast?

Vinnie Baker too on guitar was superb. I only know of him as a heavy rock player so this was amazing to me that he could be so versatile. The lady on piano and vocals was brilliant. Lovely fancy filling-in between tunes (don't suppose that's the right description) and sweet songs, with the two boys blending in really well. The other thing that I really enjoyed watching was the fact that they really looked as if they were loving what they were doing!

Anyway, for someone who only knew about bluegrass through seeing
O brother, where art thou? it was a unexpected treat. Please pass on my compliments to the three musicians and I am looking forward to hearing them again wherever they are performing.

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