09 March 2009

Knocklyon session, Thursday nights

Having had the pleasure of occupying the banjo chair in the temporary absence of Martin Gilligan, your editor is keen to report that the Tin Box Company's weekly session at Delaney's Knocklyon Inn, Firhouse Road (R114), Dublin 16, is well worth visiting for bluegrass enthusiasts in the Dublin area - a pleasant bar, with appreciative listeners and good picking partners.

The editor also takes the opportunity to correct a faulty location in the BIB post of 7 December; the map link is in fact correct, as Delaney's is on the east side of the bridge over the M50 - that is, if you're driving from the direction of the city, the pub is on the left immediately before the bridge, and is reached by turning left down Knocklyon Road and then immediately right. No mistake is possible if you're on the spot: the pub's name is up in lights. The session takes place every Thursday night from 9.15 p.m.



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