14th UK old-time festival, 13-15 Feb. 2009
Thanks to FOAOTMAD, the UK organisation for old-time music, for details of their 14th old-time music festival in Trent Valley Academy, the Avenue, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, on 13-15 February 2009. At previous Gainsborough festivals, Ireland's own Rough Deal String Band have been welcome and respected guests.
The 2009 headliners are the New Ballard's Branch Bogtrotters from the Galax, VA, area, supported by the Foundlings, Old Yeller Dog, and the Coffin Dodgers. The programme also includes concerts, open stage, beginners' slow jam, square dancing, clogging, and a wide range of workshops, including one in shape-note singing.
Weekend tickets FOAOTMAD members £30, non-members £40
Saturday: all day £25
Friday or Saturday evening concerts: £15 each
For more info, contact Keith Johnson by 'phone (+44 (0)1427 613643) or e-mail. The festival poster, complete with booking form, can be downloaded from the FOAOTMAD website.
Labels: Festivals, National Associations, Old-time
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