28 November 2008

The father of the mother of bluegrass magazines

Pete Kuykendall (centre) with his wife Kitsy and banjoist Blake Williams, IBMA World of Bluegrass 2006

Thanks to the original Bluegrass Blog for this link to a newspaper story on Pete Kuykendall, who has been virtually everything in the bluegrass field in his time - including multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, recording engineer, discographer, festival organiser, and member of the IBMA Hall of Fame - but he is best known as the founder and editor for over forty years of 'BU': Bluegrass Unlimited, the mother of bluegrass magazines.

The present strong position of bluegrass music is due in no small measure to Pete Kuykendall and BU, and it's good to be able to read even a brief article on their joint career since 1966.



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