21 November 2008

Booterstown session now every week!

Thanks to Noreen & Brian McGrane for the news that their old-time, folk, and bluegrass session in the front bar of the Old Punch Bowl, Booterstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin (across the Merrion Road from Booterstown DART station), will now be held every Wednesday evening. The session has consequently been added to the list of weekly events at the head of the BIB calendar.

Congratulations to Noreen & Brian for building up the Old Punch Bowl session, which began on a monthly basis. NB: people coming by car should avoid using the DART station car park - cars improperly parked there may be clamped.



At 1:50 am, Blogger Aran said...

Is it ok if I sit in for a couple of tunes some night please? Aran


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