07 July 2008

Quotes of the month

To hell with the mainstream. It's polluted. What purifies the mainstream? The little tributaries up in the wilderness where the pure water flows. Better to be lost in the tributaries known to a few, than mired in the mainstream, consumed with self-love and the absurdity of greed. Please. Don't give our world up. It needs to grow, yes – but subtly, out, through, under, quietly, like water eroding stone, subversive, alive, happy.

Bruce 'Utah' Phillips (d. 23 May 2008), quoted by Orrin Star in his latest news circular

I've always felt that as a musician what we do is very important and honourable. Bluegrass has a stamp of truth to it.

Bill Bryson, veteran Californian musician, quoted in an article by Yvonne Tatar in the July Bluegrass Unlimited.



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