08 July 2008

NTB at Downeys, Ballyfermot, 17 July

Niall Toner reports that the NTB (above, left to right: Clem O'Brien, Niall, Dick Gladney) will be performing in Downeys of Ballyfermot, Dublin, on 17 July. Niall adds:

You may remember that Downeys was well known as a folk club venue in the '70s and '80s, and I'm delighted to say that the original organiser is back at the helm, and has reestablished the room upstairs as a superb listening venue. The last time I played there was in the '70s, as part of George Kaye's band, when he 'wowed' the crowd by losing the tailpiece and bridge to his fiddle during 'Orange Blossom Special', retrieved them, refitted them, and all in time to finish the tune in fine style! We won't be trying to achieve anything quite as spectacular, but we will be performing all of the new material from NTB3, and we will also have ample supplies of same for sale on the night.

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