13 June 2008

David Miner

David Miner at Athy 2007; photo by Breda Bowes

Gary Ferguson reports:

David Miner's sister, Patty, has logged into Dave's myspace page and posted comments etc. that were made since David's death on 14 February. I know Dave had a lot of friends on your blog. You might want to check it out and listen to some of Dave's music and read some of the comments. The tune 'Browntown' is a tune that Dave helped me write. Chris Sexton plays keyboards and violin.

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At 1:14 pm, Blogger Marinemom627 said...

Gary ... thanks for putting this out here ... as always, Dave sure would be humbled to know that so many people loved him, are thinking of him and keeping his memory alive.

Enjoy Ireland as much as you can and know that Dave's family will be thinking of you as you are spreading his ashes over that beautiful country that he so loved.




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