03 January 2008

At last - news for banjoists

Charlie Cushman and Casey Henry with their new signature model Kel Kroydon® banjos

The American Made Banjo Co. Inc. has made its name over the past few years by reintroducing the Kel Kroydon® banjo from the golden age of 1930s design. The present range includes signature models for Charlie Cushman, one of the most respected session players, and Casey Henry, who as well as being a fine picker is a first-class bluegrass journalist - in this capacity she covered the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival for Banjo Newsletter a couple of years ago.

The AMB Co. will be introducing new products in 2008, including the Dannick No-Hole archtop tone ring; a 1930s replica style 2 banjo with the Dannick flathead or archtop tone ring; 'new' RB75 and Granada-style Kel Kroydon banjos; and more.


AND - for clawhammer-banjo players who want to learn the highly regarded Round Peak style, FOAOTMAD draws attention to an excellent set of free video lessons from Tom Collins of the New Hot Times string band. Lesson 1 can be found on YouTube here, and the following lessons can be reached from there. Highly recommended.



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