Radio Bluegrass International adds 3 new hosted programmes

Fred Bartenstein, bluegrass renaissance man
Launched in May 2007, the streaming audio representation of the International Bluegrass Music Museum known as RBI (Radio Bluegrass International) will debut three new programs beginning 13 December 2008 at 8:00 a.m. CST. Produced and hosted by well known bluegrass luminaries, these shows continue the expansion of programming geared toward fans of bluegrass and old-time music. The internet stream is accessed from this address. Rob Calhoun is the RBI program director.
The new programs are:
1) 'Banks of the Ohio': A three-hour show on the history of bluegrass, hosted by Fred Bartenstein for five years in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and produced from its inception as a service to the IBMM. Beginning 13 Dec., new 'Banks of the Ohio' episodes will play Thursday mornings (8:00-11:00 CST) and archived episodes from the show’s earliest years will air Sunday mornings (6:00-9:00 CST).
2) 'The Bluegrass Review': An hour of bluegrass from show host Phil Nusbaum in St Paul, Minnesota, will stream every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 CST, also beginning on Thursday 13 Dec. 'The Bluegrass Review' will enlighten bluegrass fans about the evolution of bluegrass music. In addition, through interviews with today’s players, the show gives insights into the current scene. RBI will begin airing Bluegrass Review with archived episodes from late 2006.
3) 'Dan Crary’s Classic Bluegrass': World-famous guitar hero, educator, and historian Dan Crary has begun to dig through his personal collection of bluegrass vinyl in Placerville, California, to produce this one-hour program exclusively for the Bluegrass Museum and RBI. 'Dan Crary’s Classic Bluegrass' will stream every third Sunday at 3:00 p.m. CST beginning 16 December.
Labels: International organisations, Media, Museum
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