12 December 2007

Carolina Chocolate Drops tour, Feb.-Mar. 2008

l-r: Dom Flemons, Rhiannon Giddens, Justin Robinson

Thanks to Dick Glasgow and his old-time music forum for the news that the Carolina Chocolate Drops, leaders of the revived black stringband tradition, will be in Ireland and the UK at the end of February and beginning of March 2008. The schedule is:

Tues. 26 Feb. Errigle Inn, Belfast
Thurs. 28 Feb. Strule Theatre, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Fri. 29 Feb. Bronte Centre, Rathfriland, Co. Down
Sat. 1 Mar. Seamus Ennis Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin
Sun. 2 Mar. Playhouse Theatre, Derry, Co. Londonderry
Mon. 3 Mar. Maverick @ Zebra, Maidstone
Tues. 4 Mar. St Bonaventure's, Bristol
Wed. 5 Mar. Arts Centre, Windsor
Fri. 7 Mar. Cluny, Newcastle
Sat. 8 Mar. Tolbooth, Stirling
Sun. 9 Mar. Memorial Hall, Sheffield

Dick says: 'I can't wait to see them!' Nick Pilley of FOAOTMAD says: 'See these folks if you possibly can. They are mentored by Joe Thompson, probably the last of the original black old-time musicians and replicate his material plus their own influences.'



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