08 August 2007

Tickets on sale for Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival

Tickets are now on sale for the 6th Annual Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival, 13-16 September in Longford.

Once again, the festival is proud to announce a stunning lineup of top class American and Irish music. The most notable names this year include Texas troubadour Guy Clark and the Nashville Bluegrass Band.

With two Grammy awards, two Entertainer of the Year honors from the International Bluegrass Music Association, and four wins as IBMA's Vocal Group of the Year, Nashville Bluegrass Band is no stranger to acclaim from both critics and fans alike. In 2002 Pat Enright became one of the voices of the Soggy Bottom Boys in the movie O brother, where art thou? Alan O'Bryant, Mike Compton, and Stuart Duncan also appeared on the film's soundtrack, and NBB began performing as a core element of the 'Down from the Mountain' tour. NBB will headline the Saturday night concert.

Also coming from America are Tim O'Brien, who will tutor workshops and play in concert with Ireland's favourite guitarist, Arty McGlynn. Festival favourites the Carter Brothers will return with their full band in tow. Also, the Jeff & Vida Band will make their yearly appearance at the festival.

Also appearing will be Dutch favourites Ranch House Favorites (guaranteed to get everyone off their feet!), Niall Toner Band, Rough Deal String Band, and many more. As always, in addition to the nightly concerts there will be concerts on the Market Square, street & pub sessions, masterclass workshops, and the late night Festival club. For more details, see the Festival website or read here.


Weekend passes (always the best bargain) are available through the Festival website or in person at Centre Stage Music, Market Square, Longford.

Nightly concert tickets are available via www.ticketmaster.ie or at any Ticketmaster outlet. Alternatively, they are now available locallly in Longford at Centre Stage Music, Market Square, and Music Centre, Ballymahon Street.

Further details available from www.johnnykeenan.com or ring 087-281-7825



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