Carson Cooper
The Bluegrass Blog carries the sad news that Carson Cooper died on Thursday 8 March, having suffered for some time from liver cancer. Carson is known to Irish bluegrassers from his appearances on two successive 'Bluegrass on the Walls' festivals in Derry with the fine band Appalachian Trail, of which he was a founder member and banjo-player for over twenty years.
David and Linda Lay, who were guitarist and lead singer/flatfoot dancer respectively with Appalachian Trail on their visits here, report: 'He was the owner of Cooper’s Morrell Music in Marion, VA, and was instrumental in bringing back the "one-mike" system [as used by Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver]. He was one of the best sound men in the business... He has a son, Kevin, daughter Susan, grandchildren, and brothers and sisters.' A tribute by Doyle Lawson also appears on the Bluegrass Blog. Some years ago Carson contributed helpful advice to Bluegrass Ireland on using the one-mike system.
The Lays are now in Springfield Exit, together with David McLaughlin, who played at the 1995 Athy Festival with Lynn Morris, Marshal Wilborn, and Josh Crowe.
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