25 February 2007

Orrin Star - 30 years on the road

Good to hear news from Orrin Star, master picker (guitar, mandolin, banjo), singer, and entertainer, who is celebrating thirty years as a full-time musician. As anyone knows who saw and heard Orrin during his brief tours in Ireland a few years ago, he's not only a powerful but a very musical player. This is well shown in three video clips on YouTube: a six-minute excerpt from his Flatpicking primer DVD, in which he demonstrates 'Whisky before breakfast', and two shorter clips in which he and John Seebach play 'Alberta', 'Billy in the low ground', and the Canadian tune 'Pointe au Pic'.

Orrin's refurbished website has plenty of good things - learn, for instance, how to put on a house concert, or why it's a good idea to keep a hair dryer near the bed. Look over his instruments; think about such observations as 'The mandolin community is perhaps the most coherent of all the instrument communities at this point in time, thanks largely to the extraordinary Mandolin Cafe website'; and drop him an e-mail via this link.

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