16 November 2006

Death of the banjo

A new book by Carole Wade, The death throes and demise of the banjo, is announced in the USA; a press release can be seen here. Learn why the banjo has become so boring! Learn the fatal significance of Chicago in the 1970s!

Passions are already being aroused by the news, and the book seems certain to become a best-seller; every banjo-player will want to work out who the author could have been listening to. Does 'Carole Wade' conceal the identity of a renegade banjo-picker, taking revenge on his (or her) community? Is it part of a plot by the non-banjo-playing world to provoke banjoists into terrorist reprisals, justifying a security crackdown on all playing of the instrument? We urge everyone to remain calm.


Kraig and Valerie Smith report:

In light of the recent demise of the banjo, we here in Bell Buckle are offering a 'Banjo Amnesty' day. Bring us your pre-war Gibsons, your Deerings, your Nechvilles, your Stellings, and your Vegas, and for one day only we'll exchange your dead banjo for a 'live' instrument such as a lute or a ukulele. I would suggest all you former banjoists take advantage of this one-time offer before your dead banjo begins to smell.

Valerie adds: 'We had a great time in Ireland last summer, hope to get back that way again one of these days.'


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