10 August 2006

Wildwood at Harlow's, 24 August: UPDATE

Pete Lamb reports:

Just a line to let you know that Wildwood are playing J.J. Harlow's in Roscommon on Thursday 24 August. The gig is free, and we could do with a few bodies in the door, as we played there yesterday to a few people playing pool...! Wildwood consists of myself on guitar and vocals, Ruth Dillon on guitar and vocals, and last but by no means least Ivor Ottley, on perhaps the hottest bluegrass fiddle in the country. We play bluegrass and folk stuff, including a selection of BG fiddle tunes.

BIB editor's note: Showtime is at 9.00 p.m. Pete has now heard from Harlow's that there was great feedback from the earlier gig, 'so that makes playing to a pool table almost worthwhile... not!' All part of the tradition, Pete; bluegrass folklore is full of stories of playing to six people in the back of a bar while thirty people watch 'Wonder Woman' in the front.


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