07 August 2006

Roanoke Bluegrass Weekend: UPDATE

John Lawless of Acutab and the Bluegrass Blog reports:

We have had to make a few changes to our faculty lineup for the 2006 Roanoke Bluegrass Weekend since we first announced it in June. One of the great joys in hosting this event is being able to present so many bluegrass legends and current pros as instructors each year. This also causes some occasional frustration since these are very busy people, with complicated lives, and each year it seems that one of our instructors has to bow out because of a scheduling conflict.

[The changes are: Craig Smith, seen twice in Ireland with Laurie Lewis & her Bluegrass Pals at Omagh festivals, is teaching banjo in place of Joey Cox; and Michael Cleveland, also seen at Omagh with Dale Ann Bradley, is teaching fiddle in place of Kenny Baker. The full list appears below. The deadline for registration is extended to 15 September.]

We are ready to accept registrations for our 10-12 November event. Here are some quick links to the pertinent info on our site, or you can scroll through this message for more details.

Faculty List: see a list of our 2006 instructors, and news about changes for this year's event.

Registration: See registration info and register online.

RBW Scholarship: We will be offering four scholarships this year to exceptional young musicians, age 13-24.

Scholarship Raffle: Gibson Original Acoustic Instruments has donated a new RB-250 banjo which will be offered in a raffle to fund our scholarship.

Each year during the second weekend of November, serious students of bluegrass music congregate in Roanoke, VA, for three days of instruction, seminars, and workshops in the finer points of playing bluegrass music. Our instructors are always drawn from among the most celebrated practioners of the style, known for both their contributions as recording and performing artists, and their skill in presenting their knowledge of the music as a teacher.

What's new for '06?

A few things are changed for this year - some fairly small, and a few that are major. First off, while we are hosting RBW '06 in the same location as we have the past few years, the name of the hotel has changed. The Roanoke Airport Clarion is now Holiday Inn Roanoke. Same staff, same rates, same phone number - just a new name.

The big news for this year is in the instructional choices. In response to many requests, we will offer vocal and harmony instruction for the first time this year. Don Rigsby will lead the workshops on Friday and Saturday, covering basic concepts of bluegrass singing and vocal styles, plus individual coaching (within a master class setting). Don will also help class members assemble three- and four-part harmony on familiar songs. Sunday's vocal classes will be jointly taught by Junior Sisk and Eddie Biggerstaff of BlueRidge.

Sadly, the registration in the dobro classes this past two years has not been sufficient to allow us to continue offering them. Our event runs on very tight margins, and we simply are unable to carry any classes that fail to cover costs via registration. We are surely open to reconsideration in the future, so please let us know if you might be interested in dobro classes again at some point.

We have also had to raise the tuition slightly this year, to $425 for all three days. This covers all workshops, the Saturday evening concert, and Thursday evening reception, plus three meals on Friday and Saturday, and two on Sunday.

Who's teaching this year?

We are mighty proud of this year's faculty, as we have a number of bluegrass legends and current pros alike on our roster.

Here is an updated list of our 2006 faculty:

Banjo: Allen Shelton, Eddie Adcock, Craig Smith
Fiddle: Michael Cleveland, Jackie Miller, Alan Johnson
Guitar: David Grier, Jack Lawrence, George Shuffler
Mandolin: David McLaughlin, Roland White, Alan Bibey
Voice/Harmony: Don Rigsby, Junior Sisk, Eddie Biggerstaff

Win a new Gibson RB-250 banjo and support our scholarship fund!

This year, Gibson Original Acoustic Instruments has donated a new RB-250 Standard banjo, valued at $3,300, to be offered in a raffle to fund our scholarships for young bluegrass pickers. Raffle chances are only $10, and only 1,000 tickets will be sold, giving each entrant a realistic chance of claiming the prize.

Four scholarships are available this year to exceptional young players, age 13-24, and will include full tuition, accommodations, and meals to attend RBW 2006. A travel allowance is also offered for students traveling beyond a certain distance. An application and audition recording are required.

Find full details about the RBW Scholarship and our Scholarship Raffle on the RBW site.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this year's Roanoke Bluegrass Weekend, and thanks for your interest and support of bluegrass music!


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