31 July 2006

Woodbine news / Bill Monroe tribute NEW DATE

Tony O'Brien reports:

Woodbine played to a full house (a marquee) at the Phil Murphy Festival in Carrig-on-Bannow on 28 July, sharing the bill with Two Time Polka and really stopped the lights, as with ten minutes to go in their fifty-minute set the power went; but, like true bluegrass professionals, they finished the set without mics and received a standing ovation at the end. Power was restored for TTP to play a driving set of cajun, folk, and country. A really great night and a great audience.

Woodbine play at the Curragh Races on 13 August as part of a special race meeting between the Curragh and Kentucky. They play a 45-minute set at noon and in between the races during the afternoon.

The Bill Monroe Tribute night now takes place on Friday 8 September in the Carlton Abbey Hotel, Athy. Any band wishing to be part of this tribute night, please contact me 059 8625266 or via this link in the next week or so. A charge of 10 euro on the door, with proceeds going to the ABMA towards next year's festival.


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