UK Autoharp Workshop Day, 4 March
Thanks to the Friends Of American Old Time Music And Dance (FOAOTMAD) for the news that the next UK Autoharp Workshop Day is being held on 4 March at Brackensdale School, Walthamstow Drive, Mackworth, Derby, and is open to non-members. Every level of experience or musical taste, absolute beginners, and players of other instruments are welcome. Autoharps will be available on loan for anyone who lets the organisers know in advance.
Tutors: Mike Fenton and Heather Farrell-Roberts. The programme includes classes for beginners and experienced players, a jamming session, and an 'open stage' concert. Please contact Sue Laughton (+44 (0)1963 251026) for more details. There will be another UKA day on 3 June at Harston Village Hall, near Cambridge; details to be confirmed soon. Check the UKA website and/or e-mail Sue Edwards.
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