19 January 2006

'Homemade hillbilly jam' at Belfast, 23 Feb.

Thanks to FOAOTMAD for the news that the film Homemade hillbilly jam, made by the German director Rick Minnich, will be shown on 23 February at the Queen's Film Theatre, Belfast (box office: 028 9097 1097). It shows the 'neohillbilly' band Big Smith from the Missouri Ozarks, who combine their inherited old-time music with eclectic instrumentation, and play to tourists in Branson, Missouri. The blurb says: 'Away from the bright lights, Minnich’s beautifully shot film celebrates the Ozark countryside itself and the way music can transcend conflicting attitudes, to bring and hold generations together.' There are some nice old-time photos on the band's website, and the film has a website of its own.


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