25 January 2006

Bluegrass Bios on line

A new online reference resource, prepared especially with broadcasters in mind but useful for anybody, is Wayne Rice's Bluegrass Bios. Wayne (who won the IBMA Bluegrass Broadcaster Award for 1995) says: '... Bluegrass Bios, which I have published in one form or another for quite a few years, is now on the web and you are free to use it for free! The link is here. I hope you like it in this format. I have found it's a lot easier than carrying a notebook with me to the radio station. All of our studios at KSON have internet access, so it's pretty convenient even when on the air. Another plus: I can keep it updated more easily and more quickly. Please e-mail me with any errors or oversights you notice. I would really appreciate your help with that.

'How am I making money on this? Well, I'm not. But I was thinking I might offer some advertisers (record labels, maybe?) the opportunity to help sponsor the site. That would sure help. If you have any ideas, I'm open to anything. Meanwhile, I did it for myself and anyone else who can use it. I hope it's useful to you!'

Bluegrass Bios has also been added to the list of links on the right of the Bluegrass Ireland Blog.


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