23 January 2006

Acoustic guitar tour, 15-19 Feb.

Nigel Martyn reports that the outstanding Scots guitarist Martin Taylor (described by Pat Metheny as 'one of the most awesome solo guitar players in the history of the instrument', and as 'THE acoustic guitarist of his generation' by Acoustic Guitar magazine) will be touring briefly in Ireland three weeks from now. The dates are:

Wed. 15 Feb. LETTERKENNY, Arts Centre; +353 (0)74 91 29186
Thurs. 16 Feb. MONAGHAN, Market House Arts Centre; +353 (0)47 71114
Sat. 18 Feb. ARMAGH, Marketplace Theatre; +44 (0)28 37 521821
Sun. 19 Feb. BELFAST, Belfast Boat Club. Tickets : Belfast Welcome Centre, +44 (0)28 90 246609.

For full details, biography, photos, and online booking of tickets, go to Nigel's website. No credit card surcharge is made.


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