26 January 2023

'BB' Bowness on Deering Live tonight (26 Jan.) (UPDATE)

The Deering Banjo Company announces that Catherine 'BB' Bowness, banjo-player for Boston's Mile Twelve, will be back for episode 81 of Deering Live tonight (Thurs. 26 Jan.) at 11.00 p.m. Irish time. The episode can also be seen live on YouTube, where it will be watchable after the live transmission. 'Thursday January 11', as shown on screen. is an error and should be disregarded. Deering announce that BB will

demonstrate and teach us about different chord and interval shapes you can use all the way up the neck of your banjo. Getting these under your fingers will really open up the entire fingerboard to you. Don't miss!

Update: The Bluegrass Situation presents a playlist of Mile Twelve's twelve favourite 'short story songs', together with links to recordings of the songs on YouTube and the reasons why the band members like them.

© Richard Hawkins

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