01 February 2021

Old-time music galore

FOAOTMAD, the UK organisation promoting American old-time music and dance, announce on their news blog that nearly three hours of varied old-time music amd interviews can now be heard every week via the Old Time Music Cornwall website, which has embedded players for three shows from the USA: Bill Smedley's 'Old Time Music Hour', Dale Brubaker's 'The Old Time Zone', and Cameron DeWhitt's 'Get up in the Cool'. All shows will be updated weekly.

Colin Tipping, a FOAOTMAD member, also reports that the 1940 film 'Grand Ole Opry', directed by Frank McDonald, will be shown on Thurs. 4 Feb. at 12.35 GMT on TV Freeview Channel 81 'Talking Pictures TV'. The film includes footage of Roy Acuff, Leon Weaver, and Uncle Dave Macon. The familiar clip of Uncle Dave and his son Dorris playing and singing 'Take me back to my old Carolina home' comes from this film.

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