Farewell to Jeff Scroggins & Colorado
Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (photo: Frank Baker)
Many bluegrass fans in Ireland will be sorry to hear that Jeff Scroggins & Colorado have decided to call it a day. The band first came to Ireland in 2015 and returned annually in tours organised by John Nyhan in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Meanwhile the regard in which they were held on the US scene was rapidly and deservedly rising. The factors in the band's decision are set out by Jeff in an interview with Dave Berry on Bluegrass Today.
The band's members have recently been branching out in other directions. Last year Jeff and his new project, the Scroggdogs, came to Ireland twice; Greg Blake, Colorado's lead singer and guitarist, made an extensive solo spring tour here; and Jeff's son Tristan came over in the autumn as stand-in mandolinist with Chris Jones & the Night Drivers.
PS: Chris Jones & the Night Drivers (in their present regular configuration, with Mark Stoffel on mandolin, Marshall Wilborn on bass, and Grace van 't Hof on banjo and baritone ukulele) released yesterday their new single 'We needed this ride'. An audio link to the whole song is in John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today.Labels: Recordings, Visiting bands
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