16 December 2019

A reminder from the NCH

The National Concert Hall in Dublin sends a reminder of the highlights of its January 2020 season, including the concert that Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn, 'the king and queen of the banjo', will be playing there at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday 21 January. The NCH release states:

On stage, Fleck & Washburn will perform pieces from their Grammy-winning self-titled debut as well as their new record, Echo in the valley (Rounder 2017). With one eye on using the banjo to showcase America’s rich heritage and the other pulling the noble instrument from its most familiar arena into new and unique realms, Bela & Abigail meet in the mean, head-on, to present music that feels wildly innovative and familiar at the same time. Whether at home, on stage or on record, their deep bond, combined with the way their distinct musical personalities and banjo styles interact, makes theirs a picking partnership unlike any other on the planet.

More detail, including a link to a 37-minute video interview (also on YouTube), and online booking facilities are on the NCH website.

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