Videos from Dunmore East
Thanks to Kevin MacC. for sending this link to a four-minute video on YouTube, shot on Saturday 28 August during the 16th Guinness International Bluegrass Festival at Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.
Kevin's notes quote the Festival website on 'authentic bluegrass music', so it's worth noting that in this enjoyable video, which conveys a lot of the spirit of the Festival, the first minute of music is 'Cluck old hen' on old-time fiddle and banjo (plus guitar and bodhran), and more than half the video is the Jack Grace Band playing urban country with electric guitars and percussion; one dancer is having the time of his life. In between, for 45 seconds, bluegrass music is well represented by the Knotty Pine String Band.
Thanks also to Ray O'Brien for this link to a YouTube video he recorded on 29 August in the Ocean Hotel at Dunmore East, while Woodbine (plus Gerry Madden on mandolin) were doing the Johnny Bond classic 'I wonder where you are tonight'. See Gerry deprived of his first break because one member of Woodbine (who shall be nameless) wasn't paying attention.
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